Although actor Levi Meaden portrays a villain in the upcoming thriller Breaking In, he always looks out for his loved ones in real life. “I’m super protective of my girlfriend, our dogs, my family, my brother,” he exclusively told Us on Thursday, May 3, of longtime love Ariel Winter. “My little brother, so I have that big brother vibe.”
Which is why it’s nice the Aftermath actor, 30, and Winter can turn to each other. “I’ll run lines with her for sure and she will kind of give me some advice and I’ll ask her how she thinks it’s working out,” he told Us of Winter, who he started dating in November 2016. He added: “We don’t really sit down and discuss [potential projects], it just comes up as we talk and let each other know what’s going on … and get ideas from each other about what we can bring to the character. Just fun, simple ideas.”
The Killing alum noted that he and Winter enjoy winding down together amid their busy schedules. “There are a lot of times where we both realize we’re just stressed and we need a date night or one of us just needs to take a break and do something completely quiet and calm,” he explained. “Meditate, hiking or a massage and just kind of step out out of this whirlwind.”